The Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Nepal (FEDWASUN) is a people-based umbrella organisation of drinking water and sanitation users' groups in Nepal. It facilitates the provision of drinking water and sanitation (WATSAN) services to communities, advocates for water and sanitation rights

Owing to its enormous construction and maintenance costs, the management of wastewater in many urban centres of developing countries via a centralised wastewater management approach is very difficult. Often, untreated wastewater is directly discharged into adjacent natural water courses, causing a grave threat to both public health and the aquatic environment. A decentralised wastewater management approach is a prospective solution to overcome this adverse situation because of its low cost, simple operation and revenue return.

The recent Kosi megaflood, caused by a breach in the Kosi embankment in Nepal on August 18, 2008 and a sudden change in the course of the Kosi River, was one of the most significant and damaging flood events ever to hit Bihar. The Kosi disaster also ranks as one of the greatest disasters in India.

Environment management is a significant challenge in developing
countries mainly due to lack of strong legislation to control
wastewater and institutional capacity for integrated planning and
management. This paper describes the importance of small scale

From endangered to vulnerable THE International Union for Conservation of Nature or iucn has lowered the threat level of the Indian one-horned rhinoceros from endangered to vulnerable. This has not gone down well with conservationists in India who contend rhinos are extremely threatened from poaching and epidemics. Seventy per cent of rhino population is concentrated in just one

Aerosols above the Himalaya may alter regional thermostat nano-sized pollutants were for the first time found reacting with each other above the Himalaya. Scientists from the Universite Blaise Pascal, France, said these ultra-fine pollutants are combining to form aerosols

It is Germany

The Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanapani Limited (KUKL) is planning to increase water tariff soon. It claims the proposed hike is in line with recommendation of Asian Development Bank, the main donor for Melamchi drinking water project.

Recent government data shows that the rate of deforestation has increased since the end of the decade-long conflict.
According to Department of Forests (DoF), about 100,000 hectares of forest cover was encroached and denuded in the last fiscal year that ended mid-July 2008.

The USAID has launched the
