Trapped! Between the Devil and Deep Waters

In the Himalayan terrain, the Kosi river is formed by the confluence of seven smaller streams, viz. Indravati, Sun Kosi, Tama Kosi, Likhu Kosi, Dudh Kosi, Arun Kosi and Tamar Kosi at different places in China, Tibet and Nepal, before its entry into the Indian state of Bihar. The Kosi river is responsible for many floods in Bihar.

Sujay Mehdudia

NEW DELHI: India and Nepal, seeking to expand cooperation in the power sector, have identified four trans-border transmission corridors for implementation to enhance power exchange between the two countries and to make the initiative bankable.

It is now apparent that dealing with climate change is unavoidable. Nepal

In this latest paper, ICIMOD provides a concerted review of climate change assessment with specific focus on biodiversity impact areas on the mountain ecosystems of the Eastern Himalayas.

For some people, the water crisis means having to walk long distances every day to fetch enough drinking water - clean or unclean - just to get by. For others, it means suffering from malnutrition or disease caused by droughts, floods or inadequate sanitation. Many people suffer these hardships due to lack of funds or inadequate knowledge of how to solve local water use and
allocation problems.

This paper reflects the existing management systems practiced in various areas of Nepal in managing solid waste and contains initiatives of municipalities; national and local NGOs/CBOs; public and private entities.

This report shares research-based lessons about the catalysation, practice and outcomes of an adaptive collaborative approach to community forestry in Nepal. It focuses on the community forest user group (CFUG) and meso levels, that is, the multistakeholder interface at the subdistrict and district levels.

As a region of great geographic, ecological, social, and cultural
diversity, the Himalayas are a true global heritage. They are
also the source of some of Asia

In the present publication, thirty technologies and approaches from the Nepal Conservation Approaches and Technologies (NEPCAT) database, documented using the WOCAT tool, are being published as printed fact sheets to facilitate sharing with a wider audience.
