The association between anthropometric indices with chronic kidney disease (CKD) was examined previously.

Worldwide, the number of new cases of cancer was estimated in 2012 at more than 14 million, and cancer remains one of the leading causes of mortality in France. Among the environmental risk factors for cancer, there are concerns about exposure to different classes of pesticides, notably through occupational exposure.

Maternal pre-conception obesity is a strong risk factor for childhood overweight.

South Africans are likely to live, on average, seven years longer in 2040 than they do now, but the country will see only modest improvement in its global ranking as longevity increases worldwide,

NITI Aayog launched the model guidelines for Public - Private partnership in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). As per the guidelines, the private partner will invest in upgrading, building and deploying human resources. They will be responsible for operational management and service delivery.

The government also plans to set up dedicated metabolic institutes in state-run hospitals for doctors to study obesity-related ailments.

The 2018 edition of the Atlas of African health statistics describes the health situation and trends in the WHO African Region. Analysis is based on standardized data from the World Health Organization and other agencies of the United Nations, such as UNICEF and the World Bank.

Evidence based Traditional complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM) in the management of diabetes and hypertension is essential for its general acceptance in the scientific community.The aim of this study was to find clinical relevance and use of TCAM in the management of diabetes and hypertension on the African continent.

As a diabetologist and researcher who has been working on diabetes for over 40 years, I have seen my practice grow from a small clinic to a hospital chain with centres across the country.

The third UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) on Sept 27, 2018, will review national and global progress towards the prevention and control of NCDs, and provide an opportunity to renew, reinforce, and enhance commitments to reduce their burden. NCD Countdown 2030 is an independent collaboration to inform policies that aim to reduce the worldwide burden of NCDs, and to ensure accountability towards this aim. In 2016, an estimated 40·5 million (71%) of the 56·9 million worldwide deaths were from NCDs.
