Wed, 2015-07-29 (All day)
Mon, 2015-01-12 (All day)
Thu, 2014-10-30 (All day)
Wed, 2014-11-19 (All day)

In India Tulika Verma is on a mission to ban junk food from Delhi’s schools – where over one in six schoolchildren are overweight. Western-style diets and processed food are becoming ever more popular in India’s cities, while traditional, healthy, sustainable foods are being forgotten. India’s on the edge of two possible futures: a future that’s well fed and healthy; or a future of ‘Western-style’ diets and a public health epidemic of obesity.

Note: A series of 6 x 25-min films exploring key questions around global food security

Behind an unmarked door in a Lima suburb, Javier Wong is planning a revolution in more than just stir-fry cooking. In fact the very future of food - and farming - is being re-imagined here in a city where nobody dined out 20 years ago, where there is no national tradition of gastronomy, and where there is considerable malnutrition. But in the capital of Peru, a city not so long ago wracked by Shining Path terrorist violence, the top chefs - men and women like Gaston Acurio, Javier Wong and Pedro Miguel Schiaffino - believe gastronomy can achieve social justice.

More teens are getting cardiac problems today. Is it stress, the lifestyle or just the air?

Aneesh Mahajan (name changed), 14, a ninth standard student in Mumbai, had been having problems with anxiety and palpitations for some time. He wasn

The prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls has been reduced from 52.4 per cent in 2004 to 43.5 per cent in 2007, revealed the Helen Keller International at a seminar on Monday.

unicef has cautioned that relaxing mandatory fortification of wheat flour could put the health of Indonesian women and children at risk. unicef's warning follows a recent decision by

The government is planning to increase its allocation for food to all the public hospitals because of the price spiral of essentials.
