India s public distribution system promotes rice and wheat. These water intensive crops require more inputs and are less nutritious as compared to grains like millets that have sustained India for millennia. These blind policies are preparing the countr

Don't forget to eat your breakfast

friendly plastic: A new plastic

Why is that children hate vegetables

Do you want to live longer? Some recent research may have taken you one step closer to this. Researchers have known for years that they could extend the lives of species, from yeast to rodents, by

Infant mortality rate acts as an indicator of how well a nation cares for its citizens

Infant mortality rate acts as an indicator of how well a nation cares for its citizens

If the available food is distributed according to need, it would be sufficient to feed all the people of the world. Yet there are more than 828 million chronically undernourished poor people in

If you are health conscious, you will politely decline the offer. But what do the experts have to say?

The venom of the Malaya pitviper Calloselasma rhodostoma , collected from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Java, shows considerable variations in its chemical composition. The pattern of variation is
