research carried out in Bangladesh has shown that giving zinc supplements to children suffering from diarrhoea can reduce the duration and severity of the disease. The study has been carried out by

Sattu roasted gram flour healthy, protein rich and affordable food that is the lifeline of Bihar

Iron cooking vessels help combat iron deficiency

OUR diet. How and where does it come from? Its impact on us and the entire ecosystem is of utmost concern to us. John Robbins' previous works have explored this subject in some detail. This book

The first commercial product from seabuckthorn, (Hippophae sp)

Supreme Court order on Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) dated 28/11/2001 in the matter of People's Union for Civil Liberties Vs
Union of India & Ors.

By blindly pushing rice and wheat through the public distribution system (PDS), the government is spreading malnutrition among India’s poor. “The paddy varieties grown in our country mostly contain

By promotong rice over coarse grains, the government is promoting food scarcity and defeciency of micronutrients among India’s most malnourished sections

It is said the future wars would be fought over the issue of water, not land. Yet Indian government promotes rice, which consumes water, over the dryland friendly grains

Rice and wheat fetch a secure price and subsidies on farm inputs. Coarse grains have no place in the public distribution system, although their value in the international market is rising
