When a condition commonly associated with a lifetime of alcohol abuse — severe scarring of the liver, or cirrhosis — starts to show up in children as young as eight, something is very wrong.

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The objective of the study was to study the serum Homocysteine levels in children and its relation with body mass index (BMI), lipid profile and plasma glucose.

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Doctors said in addition to the healthcare system, various government bodies, schools and parents too had a responsibility.

The Asia-Pacific region, home to most of the world's undernourished people, needs urgent action to improve diets and reset its food systems which are critical to the delivery of healthy, nutritious foods, FAO said.

If parents try to curb kids love for junk food, chocolates and sugary drinks, it may help the kid to stay healthy and not gain excess weight.

Focused for decades on ending hunger, African countries have largely failed to address a rising obesity epidemic that could soon become the greater public health crisis, experts said as new data wa

‘India suffers from twin-problem of under-nutrition and obesity’

The Global Nutrition Report 2017, launched at the Global Nutrition Summit in Milan, Italy, highlights the need for an urgent and integrated response to global nutrition if we are to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030.

In another five years, the number of obese children in the world will outnumber the malnourished ones.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in its recent guidelines to tackle the global epidemic obesity categorically recommended "not to provide formulated supplementary foods on a routine basis to chi
