Beaches that are supposed to be an attraction for visitors, tourists and other amusement activities but in many parts of Monrovia, they are being turned into defecation sites.

African leaders at a conference in Dakar, Senegal have committed to ending open defecation in their countries by 2030, and to work towards giving every person access to safe sanitation and good hyg

Zambia just took one big step forward toward becoming an "open-defecation-free" country.

Mr Kamal Kar, Founder and Chairman of the World-wide Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Foundation, has asked government to demonstrate the political will towards eradicating open defecation in

Climate change in Ethiopia is occurring against a backdrop of rapid population growth and urbanization, entrenched poverty and a heavy burden of disease, and there is little information on specific health risks with which to approach adaptation planning and strengthen adaptive capacity.

Global Communities, a non-governmental organization, predicts that 720 villages and towns are likely to be declared Open Defecation Free (ODF) after five years of networking with its project "Partn

RAJBIRAJ, March 10: Although the effort to make Saptari district Open Defecation Free (ODF) by 2016 is in full swing, concerned authorities are finding it challenging to accomplish the goal within

ISLAMABAD: More than 40 million people in Pakistan do not have access to a toilet, forcing them to defecate in the open, which in turn is a major contributor to stunting in the country, a top Unice

aenia solium cysticercosis is a neglected parasitic zoonosis occurring in many developing countries. Socio-cultural determinants related to its control remain unclear. Studies in Africa have shown that the underuse of sanitary facilities and the widespread occurrence of free-roaming pigs are the major risk factors for porcine cysticercosis. The study objective was to assess the communities’ perceptions, practices and knowledge regarding latrines in a T.

ILAM, Feb 24: Preparations are under way to declare Ilam district as Open Defecation Free (ODF) zone though the local authorities have failed to meet the criteria for ODF status even after spending
