Country-level analyses of global Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) relationships that use multicountry panel data sets are likely to suffer from several types of aggregation bias that may explain why previous studies have yielded conflicting results.

Latitudinal distribution of radiative flux at different layers has been measured for the first time over the Indian Ocean from 15°N to 20°S during intensive field
phase of INDOEX 1999. Simultaneously measurements have been made over three Indian ground stations, viz. Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum. The basic feature of
radiative flux over the Indian Ocean, Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum is similar, i.e. the radiative flux increases with altitude and reaches a maximum value at 15 km

India is facing a serious double burden of disease. Most of the old infectious diseases like malaria, filariasis and kala-azar have not yet disappeared; indeed they are bouncing back. At the same time, other chronic non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and respiratory disorders are becoming more dominant.

To understand the problem posed by diesel, it is necessary to understand the new information that has emerged over the last decade about its ill-effects. The first big finding come with air pollution experts discovering that diesel exhaust consists of 10-100 times more particles than petrol. More than that, experts soon began to realise that it is not the total quantity of particles that matters so much for public health as the size of the particles in vehicular exhaust. This monograph busted the myth that diesel is the fuel of the future and shows how harmful it is for the health.

03 Dec 2012

Very different global rules are needed for human wellbeing

Averting climate change does not need emission reduction pledges, timetables and a common legal framework.

16 Dec 2010

For multiple reasons, the winters are the worst in Delhi, India - harsh winters, limited air movement, and restraining meteorological conditions worsen the already topped out air pollution problem.

Levels of ozone reached their highest point of the year so far as the UK bathed in warm sunny weather last weekend. Pollution levels were high across the UK on Saturday (Copyright AEA and Defra) Members of the public were urged to cut back on unnecessary car journeys to reduce the formation of ground-level ozone, and warned to avoid exercising outdoors in the afternoon to reduce exposure. Monitoring stations at several locations measured high levels of ozone as temperatures soared above 25 degrees Celsius in many areas.

Even breathing in a little ozone at levels found in many areas is likely to kill some people prematurely, the National Research Council reported on Tuesday. The report recommends that the Environmental Protection Agency consider ozone-related mortality in any future ozone standards, and said local health authorities should keep this in mind when advising people to stay indoors on polluted days.

With booming industries, Beijing finds it difficult to control SO2 and particulate matter. NO2 and toxic hydrocarbons add to its problems. After seven years of controls, SO2 and CO are down by

Anumita Roychowdhury's story on fuel efficiency (
