The recent ban on shark hunting is only a partial victory for the conservationists. To make it a success, better networking between the coastal authorities and fisherfolk is essential. Biswajit Mohanty , president of Wildl

An outbreak of a mysterious flu-like illness recently affected hundreds of students in Manila, forcing three private schools to close down. On October 1, 2001, dozens of students were sent home from

Some 300 farmers recently ravaged a test field of genetically modified (gm) corn in the Mindanao islands. The tests are being conducted by the biotechnology giant Mon

Gurdev S Khush is the principal plant breeder in the Plant breeding, genetics and biochemistry division of the International Rice Research Institute IRRI in the Philippines. His contribution to the global food security has e

A public sector company of the Philippines is setting up the biggest wind power project in Southeast Asia, claims the country's energy secretary Vincent Perez. The first commercial operation of

In a bid to curb air pollution, the Philippine government is implementing an us $1.41 billion mass-transit project in Metropolitan Manila. The project would help in tackling the traffic problem

A decision to refuse clearance to GMOs should be based on good science and policy

India fares the worst in a survey of Asia s polluted countries

india will conduct research on developing Golden Rice, a genetically modified ( gm ) variety of rice. "The Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Madurai Kamraj University and University of Delhi

Oil major BP AMOCO has launched the world's largest solar power project in the Mindanao region of Phillipines. Estimated to cost US $48million it is expected to electrify 150 villages says a Reuters
