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Zimbabwe's election as the head of an important un environment body has generated much controversy. Francis Nhema, the country's minister of environment and tourism was nominated by Africa to head

gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi on March 29, 2007, announced a Rs 13-crore scheme for the state's urban poor. The programme, called Garib Samriddhi Scheme, envisages, among other things,

Ethnic conflicts have dogged India since independence. The problem has attracted a lot of scholarship. Amarjyoti Borah talks to two eminent academics who have looked at the problem. Ram Dayal Munda,

The northeast has been badly affected by ethnic strife. DILIP GOGOI of Cotton College, Guwahati, on its vulnerability Are ethnic conflicts more frequent in the northeast compared to other parts

parshit Kurmi, a daily-wage labourer in Delhi since 1991, was puzzled when he was told that the government's latest estimate had found poverty levels were coming down. For the past 16 years, Kurmi's

The idea of defining poverty in terms of a poverty line was first introduced during the India Labour Conference in 1957. A working group under the Planning Commission then stipulated a poverty line

The price-nutrition dynamic plays out differentially in the developed and developing worlds. In the former, as a number of studies have noted, fast food constitutes a much greater proportion of the diet of the poor.

Homo sapien as an urban, undeveloped species >> From 1950 to 2000, the urban population of the world quadrupled

The Union budget 2007-08 will very likely slash development funds for the most backward regions of India by more than 48 per cent, say sources at the Union ministry of Panchayati Raj. Government is

Till some time back, India was the poster child of globalisation. A country which opened out to the world in the early 1990s and the world responded enthusiastically. The Indian economy grew. A
