A behind the scene look at how slaughterhouses in India dispose hazardous bio waste by endangering the environment

Rules being framed for disinvestment of natural resource based PSUs

THE NEW FORESTERS . Sushil Saigal, Hema Arora and SS Rizvi . March . 2002 The new role of private enterprise in the Indian forestry sector, that's essentially what this book talks about. In the

UK panel endorses South's stand on intellectual property rights

Call it paranoia or plain silliness. But it is amazing. The Centre for Science and Environment cse has been studying gas pricing in the country to assess how environmentally acceptable fuels can be

a disaster in the making? This question is being raised about a proposal of Quebec's largest utility company, which plans to build 36 new dams on 24 rivers across the province. If implemented, the

Fencing off biodiversity hot spots cannot protect species

private sector participation in forestry projects will only be allowed in degraded and denuded forest lands. The recently approved Approach Paper to the Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) says that the concept of privatisation of forest areas was not conducive in the Indian context and would therefore, not be encouraged in forest resource management.

One of the last environmental actions of recently assassinated Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa was to block a private company's attempts to initiate mechanised gem mining in the Kalu
