Global investment in clean energy and climate-friendly technologies leapt in the last three months but full-year levels won't recover until 2010 or 2011, analysts said on Wednesday.

Falling energy demand and more expensive debt have hurt large renewable projects for example in wind and solar power. Recession has cut risk appetite, curbing funding for clean technology start-ups.

In recent years the legion of supporters of renewable energy has expanded to include labor unions concerned about jobs, as well as national security and energy independence experts such as George Schultz and James Woolsey.

The high energy demand in the industrial world, as much in the domestic sector and the derived problems of the widespread use of fossil fuels, make increasingly necessary the development of renewable energy sources.

The SPV (solar photovoltaic power) system is the simplest form of converting solar energy to electricity. However, its high capital cost makes it one of the costliest resources of energy, ostensibly with implications of high fixed charges.

Bangladesh Solar Energy Society placed yesterday a 14-point proposal including easy term loan for self-financed renewable energy projects before the government for the expansion of the sector amid increasing power crisis.

Secretary of the society Prof Saiful Haque placed the proposals at a press conference at Renewable Energy Research Centre at Dhaka University.

Federal Minister for Water and Power, Raja Pervez Ashraf has said Pakistan has set high targets for itself such as renewable energies including 5 percent of the electricity generation on grid by year 2030, and the replacement of 10 percent diesel with bio-diesel by year 2025.

Hoping to speed up the development of renewable energy resources on federal lands, the U.S. Interior Department designated about 670,000 acres of land on Monday as potential areas for solar energy production.

Demand for renewables has created a boom for land previously considered worthless in sunny deserts and wind-swept

This paper highlights the importance of renewable sources of energy and seeks to demonstrate how the provisions of 2003 Act and specifically how the system of open access can be utilized to promote renewable sources of energy.

The report,

India has been facing shortage of electricity for almost a decade. According to the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), during the financial year 2008-09, the Indian utilities could supply 689 billion kWh of electricity against requirement of 774 billion kWh, which represents shortfall of about 11.0%.
