A narrative on rural youth in Africa has continued to evolve in policy circles around the world. Much of it is driven by population statistics that point to an imminent youth bulge in Africa and concerns about economic stagnation for the continent.

A narrative on rural youth in Africa has continued to evolve in policy circles around the world. Much of it is driven by population statistics that point to an imminent youth bulge in Africa and concerns about economic stagnation for the continent.

Adolescence and early adulthood are periods of major biological, economic and social transitions for rural youth.

The assessment was carried out in an environment where the Government had set in moon a Transional Stabilizaon Programme (TSP) in a bid to set the economy on a recovery path aer years of stagnaon.

Mounting evidence suggests that sub-Saharan Africa has undergone profound rural transformation since the early 2000s, though progress has been highly uneven across countries. Conventional views of African agriculture are in many respects becoming obsolete.

Despite decades of attention, poverty and food insecurity persist, especially amongst rural dwellers in Asia, Africa and Central America. With climate change the challenges only increase and will further intensify as extreme events and variable weather patterns make small-scale production even more difficult.

In a fresh warning that its fiscal outlook is worsening, the state’s Budget for 2019-20 has projected that Maharashtra’s total debt will cross Rs 4.72 lakh crore by March 20, forcing the government

Effective policies and investments are urgently needed if the world's poorest countries are to offer a future to hundreds of millions of marginalized young people living in rural areas, according to a new report by the United Nations' International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Union Budget 2019 India: The Modi government faced stringent criticism from the Opposition for its handling of farm distress before the general election.

Digital agricultural transformation through smart phones and remote-sensing services can help drive rural development and increase food production to meet the global challenge of feeding 9.1 billion people by 2050, according to a report by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
