The world has made significant progress in reducing hunger over the past decade. But hunger remains a major challenge. This policy brief identifies the most effective and efficient ways to invest in improving food security.
Traditionally, agriculture is the prime sector of rural economy and rural employment. The transition in composition of output and occupation from agriculture to more productive non-farm sectors is considered as an important source of economic growth and transformation in rural and total economy.
A first atlas to offer a better understanding of complex rural migration patterns in sub-Saharan Africa has been published. The atlas – Rural Africa in motion. Dynamics and drivers of migration south of the Sahara – also highlights the important role rural areas will continue to play in shaping the continent’s migration for decades to come.
Millions of young people in developing countries who are poised to enter the labour force in the coming decades need not flee rural areas to escape poverty, argues a new FAO report published. Rural areas actually have vast potential for economic growth pegged to food production and related sectors, The State of Food and Agriculture 2017 says.
This is the Ninth Bulletin on the status of implementation of the Action Plan to Improving Statistics for Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa.
Question raised in Lok Sabha on Poverty Eradication Programmes, 03/08/2017. Report on 5th Annual Employment–Unemployment Survey (2015-16), based on sample study of 88,783 rural households, reports that unemployment rate in rural sector was 5.1%.
Public transport confronts many challenges in South Africa. The majority of workers and the poor still live in displaced, dormitory townships distant from places of work and other amenities. As a result, the cost of mobility and time spent commuting between home and workplace is draining and difficult to sustain.
The objective of this case study is to understand the application of ICT technologies for rural groundwater management in China, and it’s impacts on the rural poor.