Question raised in Rajya Sabha on people living in urban slums, 06/08/2015. As per the Census figures, the slum population in the country has increased from 5.23 crores in 2001 to 6.55 crores in 2011. A Statement giving slum population as per Census 2001 & 2011 and change in population reported over the decade is at Annexure-I. Gender-wise slum population and slum population of children in 0-6 age group as per Census 2011 is at Annexure –II.

The National Green Tribunal today issued notice to 66 offenders who were caught dumping waste on railway tracks in the national capital and refused to pay Rs 5,000 fine as per orders of the green p

This report discusses how the major urban development schemes in India do not adequately take into account issues related to children’s health, education, growth, safety and participation.

Sites in Dwarka, Sultanpuri and Bhalsawa have been earmarked for the rehabilitation scheme, said sources.

Around the world people use bank machines to access cash: but in the Kenyan capital's crowded slums, people now use similar machines to access an even more basic requirement -- clean water.

At the slum decadal growth rate of 34%, the slum households are projected to go upto 18 million. 2 million non-slum urban poor households are proposed to be covered under the Mission. Hence, total housing shortage envisaged to be addressed through the new mission is 20 million.

The Delhi Assembly passed three Bills, including one according university status to Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology and the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement (Amendment) Bill, on the first day

With cities increasingly in the spotlight on the international stage, urban planning and development has become a critical issue in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

MUMBAI: Every monsoon, the BMC is deluged with complaints of water contamination. So this year, the civic body has increased the number of sampling points in the city.

Mumbai was the first Indian city to introduce free in-situ housing for slum residents in 1998.
