A strain of E. coli spreading across Europe is a previously unseen variant of the bacterium, and one that is more virulent than seen before, health officials say.

Scientists also said the new strain appeared likely to be resistant to common antibiotics.

By June 2, 18 people had died and more than 2,000 had become infected from eating contaminated vegetables.

With 10 people dead of infection and 400 cases reported, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said Sunday that a bacterial outbreak in northern Germany was one of the largest of its kind ever reported worldwide.

The infection, from a strain of Escherichia coli, can lead to kidney failure and death and is difficult to treat with antibiotics, according to the Robert Koch Institu

AHMEDABAD: Kankaria and Vastrapur lakes of the city will become exemplary in an international conference to be held in Sweden.

The stories of the development of both the lakes will be told in a workshop on urban ecology there.

A team of professionals from Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (Cept), representatives from Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Self Employed Women'

Just like our people, every Indian-origin drug will be counted and have its history documented soon.

The eight Arctic nations pledged Thursday to create international protocols to prevent and clean up offshore oil spills in areas of the region that are becoming increasingly accessible to exploration because of a changing climate.

The Arctic Council

Bangladesh and Sweden have been nominated co-chairs of the Green Climate Fund monitoring and evaluation workstream. Both Bangladesh and Sweden were nominated co-chairs of the fund at the first meeting of the transitional committee meeting of the GCF held in Mexico City on April 28-29, an official release said here on Monday.

Because of the quick development and widespread use of mobile phones, and their vast effect on communication and interactions, it is important to study possible negative health effects of mobile phone exposure. The overall aim of this study was to investigate whether there are associations between psychosocial aspects of mobile phone use and mental health symptoms in a prospective cohort of young adults.

The European Union (EU) has contributed 8.5 million pounds to Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF) to help face climate change multiple impacts.

Responsibility for water system services in a metropolitan area demands more extensive measures than just constructing and operating advanced treatment plants. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the water cycle and waters

The Swedish government has decided to extend its cooperation to Bangladesh in developing solar energy for helping the country in reducing its power shortage through using renewable energy.
Newly appointed Swedish ambassador to Bangladesh Anee Margarete Anneli said this after presenting her credentials to president Zillur Rahman at Bangabhaban on Thursday.
Zillur urged the Swedish entrepren
