The rate at which indigenous Rice varieties are getting depleted is extremely alarming. It is becoming increasingly clear that to maintain biodiversity in farmers

a seaweed from Japan being cultivated in Tamil Nadu is being promoted as the source of the best salt for blood pressure patients. Scientists at the Central Salt and Marine Research Institute at


The red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi) is threatening tea plantations in the Nilgiri hills. The infestation has been reported from a number of places including Coonoor, Kotagiri, Kundah and

lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, has long been a major cause of acute and chronic morbidity among people in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa, the western Pacific

India's first radio station on disaster management will be on air in a few months. Kalanjiam, a community radio network will begin broadcast from Chennai. The radio station will have programmes

No small sachets, no video-on-wheels, no wall paintings. Rural 2.0 is not just about selling soaps or colas in flexible sizes at lower prices. It is about creating a market from scratch by first developing it, solving its basic problems, figuring out what it needs and then designing a product or service built around that one need that a company could, probably, service.

In 2001 Tamil Nadu-based accredited private laboratory Fredrick Institute of Plant Protection and Toxicology (fippat, now International Institute of Bio-technology and Toxicology) came out with a

This document contains the White paper on Project Surya, aiming at reduction of air pollution and global warming by cooking with renewable sources: a controlled and practical experiment in rural India.

Plans to increase ethanol content in gasoline face delay due to procurement problems
