This commercial ship, partly powered by a giant kite, set off on its maiden voyage from the German city Bremen to Venezuela in the third week of January. Designers of the vessel, MS Beluga
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has called on his cabinet to devise a plan for nationalizing oil imports. The move follows a series of clashes between the government and Exxon Mobil subsidiary
>> RCTV, the opposition-aligned Venezuelan TV station forced off the air by the country's president Hugo Chavez, has resumed broadcasting on cable and satellite television. The station was off air
As the first South American energy summit finished in the third week of April in the Caribbean island of Margarita, Venezuela, participant countries agreed to set up an energy council to follow up
Indians from western Venezuela demanded a halt to coal mining in their region and called government efforts to formalize their ownership of ancestral lands a "fraud'. The protesters said three mines
The residents of La Sierra de Perija, in the oil producing state of Zulia in west Venezuela, recently launched a strong protest opposing coal mining in the area. The Bar
Lake Maracaibo, South America's largest lake, has been severely polluted because of careless discharge of sewage and chemicals. "The toxic level is incalcu
The Venezuelan government has decided against granting new mining concessions in the disputed Imataca forest reserve, one of the prime gold and diamond mining areas in the country. It will now