On a trial basis at India Cement Limited at Sankar Nagar

TIRUNELVELI: For the first time in Tamil Nadu, using of finely shredded non-recyclable plastic waste along with the coal as supplement fuel in the cement factory on a trial basis was inaugurated in the manufacturing unit India Cement Limited (ICL) at Sankar Nagar near here on Sunday evening.

More lucrative British incentives to produce energy from rotting and gasified waste are driving a push to biogas, following a wider European trend.

More farmers aim to use crop waste to generate electricity from burning biogas while big business is considering the same for industrial waste, after Britain introduced more generous support in April.

In the present studies, attempts are made to optimize digestion time, initial feed pH, feed temperature and feed flow rate (organic loading rate, OLR) for maximum yield of methane gas and maximum removal of chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand (BOD) of food processing industry wastewaters in three-phase fluidized bed bioreactor.

Shimla: The first power plant of the region based on the

Scottish government has given a farmer

KOCHI: Waste disposal remains an unsolved problem for Kochiites. Though the State Government has launched the slogan,

View image A college opens a chapter in ecological sanitation A bunch of students at the exhibition hall of Adarsh College of Arts and Commerce are talking spiritedly. It is not about friends, fights or movies. It is about

Needed facility: A view of the biogas plant in Tuticorin on Wednesday.

Tuticorin: Collector G. Prakash inaugurated a 250-KVa (Kilo Volt ampere) project to generate electricity from effluents released fish processing companies here on Wednesday.

He said the waste extracted from fish cleaning and exporting activities could be converted into useful gas.

The general concept behind this dissertation work is municipal solid waste management. Solid wastes and its composites affect the environment in several ways. And the major problems to be considered are the generation of leachate from solid waste dumping sites, which affects the groundwater aquifers.

COIMBATORE: As part of its clean environs programme, Alagana Kovai, the Residents
