Solution to crisis: start planning now

What’s eating up the state’s water

More than 2,000 mm of rain in 2003 but crops destroyed and farmers committing suicide; crores spent on 31 irrigation projects but villages going thirsty; 44 rivers but groundwater is sinking. After travelling through Kerala, T V JAYAN finds a drought ami

No. In the last 100 years, global population tripled, but freshwater use increased sixfold

Of India's 18 major rivers, 17 are inter state. In all cases, the water is intensely fought over. In all cases, there seems no resolution. In such a situation, can modern India take a page or two out of the traditional water manager's unwritten manual on

India plans to develop its water resources by interlinking its Himalayan rivers with those in the peninsular region through 30 interlinking canal systems. Already, the project has raised controversy and debate. Interlinking rivers is now a matter of South

Thirty years of planning, 15 years of construction, ten years of promises and Rs 15,000 crore later, the Sardar Sarovar Project is finally functioning officially. But...

SSP was originally and primarily an irrigation and hydropower project. Today there is a shift in focus: one talks only of drinking water

The news is out: water levels in Mumbai are over 15 per cent less than last year. It might seem routine but it has the city up in arms. Mumbaikars have hit the roads demonstrating on the painful summer that came in early this year. The Brihanmumbai Munici

New global models provide the opportunity to generate quantitative information about the world water situation. Here the WaterGAP 2 model is used to compute globally comprehensive estimates about water availability, water withdrawals, and other indicators on the river-basin scale.
