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southern Spain is facing an ecological disaster following a toxic spill that has led to the flow of contaminated water and acidic mud toward the sea, say

Aboriginal people have provided for their needs through the ages by hunting and food gathering activities. These are an integral part of aboriginal religious practices. In recent years, they have

Laws need to be strengthened and implemented properly to protect the environment

The US plans to regulate water pollution from livestock waste

Excessive nitrogen is causing nitrogen stress in flora and fauna

Industrial production has grown in India by more than 50-fold over the past century. The Central Pollution Board (CPCB) has identified 17 categories of most polluting industries which contribute to

Alang, Gujarat. This is where ships from across the world are sent to be wrecked. A shipbreaking industry has emerged as a consequence, which is spelling doom for the ecology of the region

Good tides and weak enforcement favour the shipbreaking industry

Death, disease and indifference of the officials haunt Alang

Environmental regulations make shipbreaking very difficult in developed countries. So they are sent to India
