K.S. Sudhi

KOCHI: The Kerala State Wetland Cell has written to the Union Ministry of Environment and Forest for extension of the time for submitting its views on the draft regulatory framework for wetland conservation. The deadline for submission was Wednesday.

This is the second time that the cell is approaching the Ministry for extension.

BHUBANESWAR: Mangalajodi, lying on the perimeters of Chilika lagoon, has a paradox attached to it. It

Wetlands have for long remained undefined and there has not been any special enactments for their conservation although they are providing crucial ecosystem services and are sensitive ecosystems with high biodiversity values. In this background the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) effort in drafting the notification on Regulatory Framework for Wetland Conservation in

This study was driven by two objectives: to develop a framework and methodology for assessing the outcomes of conservation-poverty reduction initiatives and to apply it to such initiatives in wetlands to understand conditions and methods that can support the integration or balancing of ecosystem

The paper deals with the determination of five heavy metals viz. Cu, Cd, Fe, Pb and Zn in surface water at different sites of upper basin of Bhoj wetland, Bhopal.

In the present study the pollution of a major North Bihar lake, the Kawar Wetland was studied with special reference to their effects on flora, fauna and local human population. The water of the lake is turbid, acidic and is having higher conductivity. The dissolved oxygen level was estimated as 7.6 mg/L, free CO2 6.3 mg/L, bicarbonate 80 mg/L, hardness 90 mg/L, chloride 17.0 mg/L.

This paper examines the important risk factors and risk management measures as well as optimal farm plans in floodplains farming in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Findings show that the most important risk factors in floodplains farming are flood and drought. Farmers manage these risks through relay/sequential cropping, planting short gestation and flood tolerant crops.

In 2008, the Sudanese and Egyptian governments decided to resume work on the Jonglei Canal project, which had been abandoned for 24 years. This project in southern Sudan plans to by-pass, and thus drain, part of the wetlands of the Bahr al-Jabal and Bahr az-Zaraf rivers into the White Nile.

Report on Visit to Pichavaram in Tamil Nadu

