KOCHI: Here is happy news for the greens. Aiming at creating an awareness in society about the bio-diversity of Mangalavanam, the Department of Forest will set up a Nature Study Centre at the sanctuary.

Students, researchers and nature-lovers can make use of the centre once it becomes operational. "Mangalavanam has a vast mangrove vegetation.

Though many people want to study about them, there is no adequate facility inside the Mangalavanam at present.

CRITICAL food shortages and growing demand for bio-fuels and hydro-electricity, due to high fossil fuel prices, rank among the greatest threats today to the preservation of precious wetlands worldwide as farmers and developers look for new areas for agriculture, energy crop plantations and hydro dams.


A controversy is likely to break out in Jahangirpuri area of the city after Delhi government gave its nod to convert one of the largest water bodies in the city for building residential colonies. The government has identified the land as "not fit to be restored for water purpose', a move that doesn't gel with the "Green Delhi' plans of Sheila Dikshit-led Congress government.


The study was conducted from November 1998 through October 2003. The Kole wetland is one of the largest and highly productive wetlands and it is one of the most threatened wetland in the state.

This working paper describes four major outcomes: Recommendations to improve accounting of the long-term depletion of carbon stocks through forest and wetland degradation. Discussion of two possible approaches to harnessing the mitigation potential of harvested wood products, while minimizing adverse and unintended effects on biodiversity, forest management and the environmental integrity of the Kyoto

The Expert Team constituted by the Planning Commission, Government of India, to Review the status of implementation of the National Wetland Conservation and Management Programme (NWCMP) of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, by visiting selected wetlands in the country, made an on-the-spot review and assessment of the Deepor Beel near Guwahati in Assam.

Climate change poses a threat to all ecosystems. In the case of the wetland ecosystem, not only will the water bodies and their economic benefits be lost; they could directly contribute to climate change by releasing a large amount of trapped greenhouse gases. That assessment from scientists taking part in the Eighth Wetlands Conference held in Brazil by INTECOL, the International Association for Ecology, will hopefully stir governments into action. It is vital that they r ecognise the gravity of the problem and act to stop the degradation, draining, and land-filling of wetlands.

New Delhi, July 30: A new book detailing more than 150 wetlands of the country has brought to the fore the desperate need to protect these "liquid treasures" from pollution, development and misuse. Despite protected under the international Ramsar wetland treaty, some of these wetlands need urgent attention and conservation. Urging the Indian government to provide more of its wetlands the Ramsar status at the Ramsar Convention scheduled for October this year, conservationists have asked the government to come up with more serious measures in conserving the country's wetland.

the mix of salt and freshwater at Everglades in Florida, us, makes it the only place on earth where alligators and crocodiles co-exist. It has a massive network of lakes, creeks, swamps and rivers
