With India staring at a looming water crisis, a new study on ‘water productivity mapping of major crops’ has called for putting a price on water used for irrigation to at least recover operating and maintenance costs of structures like canals.

This study assesses the changing consumption patterns of rice in Bangladesh and its implications on water demand by 2030. Rice dominates food and water consumption patterns in the country; it contributed to 72% of the total calorie supply from food, and 81% and 79% of the total cropped and irrigated area, respectively, in 2010.

Understanding crop water productivity over large river basins has significant implications for sustainable basin development planning.

This IWMI report assesses water depletion from consumptive water use of agricultural production in Moga district, Punjab. It focuses on the growth in agricultural production & stress on water resources induced by groundwater irrigation.

This IWMI-CPWF study assesses India

Since India gained Independence, the Krishna basin has seen an increasing mobilization of its water resources. Warnings of basin closure (minimal flow to the ocean) emerge during dry periods. Basin water development and local rural dynamics have led to a degradation of downstream ecosystems manifesting itself by salinizing soil and groundwater, increasing pollution, making mangroves disappear, and desiccating wetlands. Reversing this evolution requires the formal recognition of the environment as a water user in its own right and the implementation of an environmental water provision.

This report is a case study on the Krishna River Basin in South India. The basin has witnessed intense water development resulting in downstream environmental degradation. The observed decline in discharge to the ocean sends a strong signal: there is only little scope for further water supply development, and further taming the Krishna waters will exacerbate environmental degradation.