The discovery of a generation old plant extract used by Onges in The Andarnans has patent hungry profiteers jostling their way down There The question is, whether the custodians of the secret stand to gain anything at all

Genetic intervention in the AIDS virus takes researchers closer to a possible victory over 'God's wrath' of the 20th century

The search for easily applicable environment-friendly plant protection technologies could very well find its answer in the pages of history

MUCH hype and publicity later, the first global treaty geared to protect the depleting fish stocks around the world is already running into stumbling blocks, even before its formal ratification.

To help chart afresh course to conserve the Silent Valley National Park, activists who stopped a dam's installation in the region met in the Park at a recent seminar

What appear to be vestigial or redundant organs need not be so, as the Spalax ehrenberghi teaches us

Forest tracts in Andhra Pradesh are being aggressively encroached upon under the umbrella of political debauchery and official nepotism

AS IF AIDS, Ebola and the Achuapa Febrile Syndrome were not enough, it is now the turn of a mysterious viral disease whose outbreak in Australia is not only proving deadly for the horses but also

Waves of criticism against the newly proposed Kalpsar project wash away the Gujarat government's ambitious claims

The missing links to the awe inspiring blooming of an embryo into an adult animal may be at hand
