CANADIAN and US newsprint producers are increasingly evading their governments' environmental regulations which require a recycled content of 4060 per cent in newsprint. "But when there is a

HI-TFCH Satellite phones - satphones, for short - will soon make it possible for train travellers to make long distance calls while*on board. The satphone, no bigger than a briefcase, is a

The Tamil Nadu Assembly recently passed a bill to regulate aquaculturtb, amidst vociferous protests by the Opposition members, who opined that the bill would only force the farmers to

India's first agro-industrial park will set up in Tapukara -village in jasthan. The park, to be set up der the aegis of the Delhi-based ant group will be utilised to grow ,dicinal plants

AOTHER disaster in Chernobyl could well be in the making, warn Western and Russian scientists. A report funded by the European Commission, and flashed by The Observer, a UK daily, says that

TIGER census will now be done by shoot- ing the cats - with a camera, of course! Earlier, pug marks counting was the only method. "Camera trapping", as ,he new method is known, lalls for the

ORISSA'S southern coast was recently the scene of hectic activity as thousands of Olive Ridley sea turtles nested there en masse. The turtles, which figure in the list of endangered species,

Sevaral giant chemical companies reprieve at the Federal District Court in Los Angeles, when judge Andrew Hauke threw out a lawsuit Filed by the federal government. The suit had acused

The Drug Technical Advisory Board has been asked to ban some vital drugs by the Supreme Court. The order overcomes filed by the Drug Action Forum to remove irrational combinations from the

Biologist Walter Gehring and his colleagues from the University of Basel in Switzerland have developed genetically engineered swarms of fruit flies, helping them understand how
