The Madras High Court rapped the Tamil Nadu government for going out of its way in passing a government order (GO) awarding licences to "enterprising enterprises" for quarrying granites in Semangalam

FLOODED-PRONE regions of Bangladesh, China and North India could benefit from the discovery of a new improved variety of deep water rice. Scientists at the international rice research instutute

A team of Californian scientists has synthesised a poison which contributes to the lethality of "red tides" -- the sudden population explosion of certain microscopic algae in coastal waters. This

Some cases of mental illness in human beings may have a viral origin, say a group of German researchers. They have found traces of genetic material of a virus -- which makes horses hyperactive -- in

The decision of the Karnataka Pollution Control Board (KPCB) to identify 3 sites in Mysore district for dumping hazardous wastes from industries has run into rough weather, with the local people

A scheme initiated by Sulabh International, a voluntary organisation, to bring scavengers into the mainstream by encouraging well-placed residents of Delhi to adopt a scavenger family each, has

The Punjab state government will be constituting a Punjab Gujjar Welfare Advisory Board, says chief minister Beant Singh. The newly-elected Maharashtra government said that it would review

Research indicates that there is still a place for that much maligned pesticide DDT, in controlling the Tse-tse fly, a vector in the debilitating disease trypanosomiasis -- the dreaded sleeping

Yemen and Saudi Arabia have finally decided to call a halt to their 61-year-long border warfare. Following this decision, the biggest sigh of relief was from oil companies operating nervously in the

The magnificent Great Barrier Reef in Australia has again been in news: it has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. A recent comparison of contemporary photographs with pictures taken in
