ALZHEIMER's disease can now be diagnosed much before the accursed. symptoms mature. Gary W Small of the University of California (Los Angeles School of Medicine), Allen D Roses of the

COMPUTER models used by climatologists till date have come under a cloud. American researchers Peter Pilewski of National Aeronautical Space Agency's Ames Research Centre and

ON MARCH 23, serial blasts in Delhi's upmarket Connaught Place area shook the city. However, the "terrorists" this time were non-human: they were the sewage drains of the area which

The British government's volte face on the ban on advertising breast milk substitutes has triggered alarm in medical circles. On March 1, the government tabled before Parliament a watered down

The new buzzword around the us House of Representatives now appears to be "research-spending". The recently announced budget indicates that heads of all the major science agencies who were

The brutal face of modern day terrorism bared its fangs recently on a busy subway system in Tokyo. On March 20, a vicious nerve gas spewed through subway cars and stations during the morning rush

The peak tourist season has slalomed into controversy at Alpine ski resorts, particularly those in spick-and-span Switzerland. The annual deluge of millions of tourists to the Alps is giving both

Several rare butterfly species are facing extinction with the uncannily swift habitat destruction of the Western Ghats. Of the 350 butterfly species available in the Ghats, up to 70 are at the brink

On March 7, 2 British fishermen and Spanish fishing boat owners were served a huge fine for illegal fishing. In addition to the ignominy of forking out a total of US $391,380, the offenders were

On March 7, a woman from Cambridgeshire, UK, received a US $339,700 compensation in an out-of-court settlement after a surgeon failed to diagnose that she was suffering from breast cancer. In
