This brochure describes the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder.
AIRS enhances the quality of global meteorological observations which yields considerable economic benefits through more reliable climate prediction, improved weather forecasts, better understanding of the factors influencing air quality, and mitigation of the economic and human costs of natural hazards.

In 2008, agricultural commodity prices on world markets reached their highest levels in 30 years. In some cases, the nominal prices set new records. Some of the policy mistakes are seemingly not directly related to agriculture, but have had a profound impact on production choices, and on what kind of food is available, and to whom.

India has consistently ranked poorly on the Global Hunger Index. The Global Hunger Index 2008 reveals India

This report shows the results under a Greenhouse Development Rights (GDRs) regime for global effort sharing until 2050. In addition, it compares the GDRs approach to several other effort sharing approaches for different stabilisation levels.

Ensuring food security in the face of rapidly rising food prices requires a combination of effective safety nets and improving agricultural productivity. Adjusting to higher fuel prices will require again effective safety nets plus a combination of efficient energy use and diversification away from traditional fossil fuels.

In response to growing pressures on landscapes and livelihoods,
people are moving, communities are adapting. This report debates the numbers, the definitions and the modalities

Large private investments in biofuels are presently underway in Mozambique. This paper uses an economywide model to assess the implications of these investments for growth and income distribution. The results indicate that biofuels provide an opportunity to enhance growth and poverty reduction.

A new survey from EcoSecurities and ClimateBiz released recently shows how large, multinational corporations are addressing their carbon footprints from within, and what strategies they're using to offset the emissions they can't avoid.

Despite the growing awareness of the nexus between climate change and migration the subject has not been explored empirically in a way that generates conclusive results.

This study was conducted to assess the safety with special reference to the acute toxicity, if any of siz samples (Excavated waste, Lime sludge, Naphthol tar (nor Napthol tar), Reactor residue, Semi processed pesticide and Sevin tar) collected from `Stored Toxic Wastes at the former UCIL Plant Site at Bhopal'.
