This book contains 11 chapters covering various essential aspects of spring-shed management like database assessment, standard definitions and classifications, mapping methodologies, discharge measurement techniques, holistic management strategies, water quality protocols, environmental isotopes' use, tailored guidelines, discharge indexes, proj

Are current fiscal approaches and policies aligned with national strategies, including ensuring that mineral-rich developing countries collect an appropriate share of the financial benefits from critical minerals value chains? If not, what needs to change?

Countries in Asia and the Pacific face a heightened risk of flooding as disasters increase worldwide due to climate change. Yet these countries often lack the infrastructure necessary to prepare for and respond to floods effectively.

Today the world faces unprecedented challenges in waste management while the state of the municipal waste management sector globally is a matter of concern.

The pursuit of better employment opportunities is a major drive for intra-regional migration within Africa and towards other regions outside the continent. In a post-pandemic era, it has become evident that safe, orderly, and regular migration can play a role in “building back better”.

For 2024 to be an exemplary year for the African continent, continental leaders in government and business alike must individually and collectively address and navigate a complex set of domestic, regional and international risks and challenges.

The world's electronic waste generation is increasing five times faster than documented e-waste recycling, according to the United Nation's fourth Global E-waste Monitor (GEM) report.

Coal is the most carbon-intensive major fossil fuel in use today and is deeply entrenched in the power system, but drastic reductions in its consumption are required to achieve net-zero emissions. Accelerating Coal Transitions provides an update on the IEA’s 2022 report Coal in Net Zero Transitions at the request of the Japanese G7 Presidency.

Developing and maintaining a secure and equitable water future underpins prosperity and peace for all. The relationship also works in the opposite direction, as poverty and inequality, social tensions, and conflict can amplify water insecurity.

Action Against Hunger released the 2024 Water Funding Gap report, finding that globally, only 36% of appeals for water- and sanitation-related funding were met in 2023, leaving a 64% gap.
