India continues to be at the top of the table

It comes back to the basics: the quality of your healthcare system determines your health.

Tamil Nadu’s latest health care initiative comes packed compact in a small kit box.

“Sixty per cent of cancer patients are actually being treated by non-oncologists”

The Indian Council of Medical Research is evolving standards of care and treatment protocols for 34 common types of cancer. Purvish Parikh, managing trustee, Indian Cancer Care Society, and president, Indian Society of Medical and Paediatric Oncology, said the guidelines for some specific conditions were already available on the ICMR website, and subcommittees were working to define treatment for other conditions.

There have been a total of 5,376 cases of dengue in Tamil Nadu, the highest in the country this year.

Provisional figures listed on the website of the National Vector-Borne Diseases Control Programme under the Union health ministry revealed that the State recorded 39 deaths from dengue this year — the highest, again. The state with the second highest number of cases is Kerala, but it is way behind at 2,995 cases (11 deaths). Karnataka records 2,403 cases but it has the second highest number of deaths at 21.

This is the State’s second attempt to ban the carcinogenic substance

Tamil Nadu is considering a proposal to ban gutka and pan masala throughout the State. This is the State’s second attempt to ban the carcinogenic substance. The State Tobacco Control Cell has submitted the proposal, and it is being processed at the highest level, official sources said. It was as early as in 2001 that the first attempt was made to ban these products.

A Central team from the National AIDS Control Organisation, New Delhi, which is in the State to evaluate the care, support and treatment programmes implemented by Tamil Nadu, has said that there ar

Mass public campaign a success but experts warn of need for continued vigilance

Among the things that the AIADMK government headed by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa can be proud of in the 100 days since it took power, are significant announcements in the health care sector: incre

It may be split into three instalments
CHENNAI: The poll promise of increasing the maternity assistance amount for pregnant women will mean nearly doubling the budget as the State prepares to dole out Rs.12,000.

Hitherto, Rs.6000 was being given to pregnant women, split into instalments of Rs.3000, during maternity and after delivery for every live birth.