Using data from the nationally representative India Residential Energy Consumption Survey (IRES) 2020, this study reflects on the current state of clean cooking energy access in India, the progress made over the past decade, persisting gaps, and emerging trends.

This study assesses the impact of the existing energy efficiency initiatives on household awareness levels, preferences and behaviour concerning efficiency in electricity use.

Over the last decade, the Government of India’s efforts in providing electricity access to the country’s population has been commendable.

Despite extremely high exposure to indoor air pollution from biomass burning, 63 per cent of rural households continue to use firewood, dung cakes and agricultural residue as the primary fuel for cooking finds this new report released by CEEW.

India’s science and technology policies advocate increased investment in research and development. However, in 2017–18, the tax incentive for company expenditure on R&D was reduced. This is likely to have major ramifications for R&D at a time when India’s domestic research effort is already in decline.

The Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), issued a new report concluding that distributed solar energy can play a major role in bridging India’s massive gap in delivering rural healthcare services, both as a primary and backup source of power.

A vast majority of studies assessing the impact of R&D tax incentives provided across the world conclude that such tax incentives spur investments. However, in India only a limited number of fi rms, especially small and medium ones, have actually been taking advantage of the state’s fi scal generosity.

India has the highest level of productivity in natural rubber and coconuts. While natural rubber productivity has grown rapidly, that of coconuts has barely increased over time. This paper seeks an explanation for this differential performance in terms of relative rates of diffusion of new technologies facilitated by their respective Sectoral Systems of Innovation.

India is variously described as a knowledge-based economy in the making, thanks essentially due to her high economic growth and the role played by knowledge-intensive sectors such as information technology in spurring and maintaining this growth performance. This paper looks at the empirical evidence on whether this is indeed the case since the reform process began in 1991.