The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is perennially plagued by prolonged phases of poverty, conflict, and increased internal migration, as well as pandemic outbreaks such as Ebola and COVID-19, and limited livelihood opportunities.

Following poor harvests in the 2015/16 cropping season in Malawi, vulnerability assessments found that nearly 6.7 million people, primarily in the Southern and Central regions, were likely to suffer from food insecurity before the next harvest.

This report aims to provide a macro level overview of water-related risks to and from Indian businesses, their response mechanisms and the opportunity for businesses to embark on a water stewardship journey.

Despite a wide range of reform initiatives in agricultural extension in India in the past decades, the coverage of, access to, and quality of information provided to marginalized and poor farmers is uneven. This paper aims to ascertain why farmers are not accessing information and where information gaps exist, despite the variety of extension approaches in India.

Lantana (Lantana camara), one of the world's most troublesome invasive weeds, has become a menace in most of the protected areas located in tropical and subtropical belt of India. The lantana-infested landscapes not only are impoverished as habitats of wildlife but also contribute to human-wildlife conflicts owing to diminished ecosystem services.

Lantana is one of the world

Although adequate country capacity is considered to be one of the critical missing factors in development outcomes, a lack of understanding of how capacity contributes to economic development and of how to account for the contribution of capacity development to economic growth remains a challenge. The

The public water supply in India is so unreliable that the urban middle class, with its increased spending power, prefers shelling out an extra buck on one of the numerous water purifiers available in