Rising levels of water vapour high above the Earth are likely to intensify the effects of global warming in coming decades, say scientists.

Bees are dropping like flies in Colorado, with some pollinators seen dying in midflight, scaring some homeowners into getting rid of pesticides on their properties.

Antarctic sea ice may not be expanding as rapidly previously thought - with much of the increase potentially down to a data error, scientists have said.

The BJP may boast of the economic progress in Gujarat under its rule, but the party-led state government admits that it lags behind in fighting malnutrition, with urban areas surpassing those in ru

New federal research using data from southern West Virginia show streams affected by mountaintop removal mining have fewer fish species and fish overall than other streams.

A 4.9 magnitude quake that rumbled through Whanganui has been felt in the shaky capital.
The 40km deep quake hit just before 4pm on Thursday and was centred 40km southwest of Whanganui.

Fewer boys are being born in central Scotland - and it's thought pollution may be playing a part.

Pregnant women who live near fields sprayed with pesticides can run more than three times the risk of having a child with autism, a study has found.

The aviation industry is under pressure to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide its aeroplanes emit.

The West Australian government is seeking to change guidelines for organic food certification to allow a certain amount of genetically modified material.
