University bans field trials THE Maharashtra agriculture university announced it would no longer allow field trials of GM food crops in its field at Kolhapur. The move came in the wake of a protest in March by hundreds of farmers and citizens against an open-air field test of GM corn seeds, produced by seed major Monsanto. The protest led to the constitution of a committee, which resulted

A study by Shri Kisan Paryavaran Sangharsh Samiti and Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment showed the three CETPs in Pali flout the effluent discharge standards. Sample tests showed: Biological oxygen demand was 150-360 mg/l against 30 mg/l norm Chemical oxygen demand was 400-522mg/l as against 250 mg/l The three CETPs were functioning at 7, 28 and 57 per cent efficiency

Cheek-by-jowl with swanky offices and multiplexes, exists an economy that lives by the tree. SALIL CHATURVEDI zooms in on Delhi

View image New facts discovered about the kala azar parasite kala azar (leishmaniasis) is difficult to treat. Inaccurate diagnosis saw this disease take its toll on 33,000 Indians in 2008. An occurrence more of the poverty-stricken countries, very little research exists on Leishmania

>> Brazil

Farmers claim Nano

Section 2 (h) of the RTI Act defines public authority as any body, institution or self-government established or constituted by or under the Constitution, Parliament, state legislature or appropriate government. It includes all ministries and their departments, municipal bodies, panchayats, courts, universities, UPSC, PSUs and even non-profits substantially financed by the appropriate

Cattle were domesticated twice

function open_pune() {"image/20090531/pune.htm","","height=400,width=550,scrollbars=no"); newwd.moveTo(190,75); } function open_bhubaneswar() {"image/20090531/bhubaneswar.htm","","height=250,width=550,scrollbars=no"); newwd.moveTo(190,75); } function open_delhi() {

Aquatic life safe, tests underway on april 24, 7,000 litres of heavy furnace oil leaked into the Sutlej river after a pipeline burst at the Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Power Plant at Ropar in Punjab. A senior plant official said the welding in the pipeline could have given way due to heat and fatigue. Water samples collected by the Punjab Pollution Control Board found oil and
