After months of bickering among officials, on March 16th the government revealed a long-awaited plan for managing what has been the world’s largest migration of rural residents into cities.

JOHN LEE likes to tinker with vehicles: his four-wheel-drive resembles a tractor more than a car. “It’s watertight,” he beams.

Praying to St Peter is not much of an energy policy.

“BIBLICAL”—that is how David Cameron described the floods spreading misery through southern England.

ENERGY and green policies should be ideal for common European action. Pollutants know no borders.

Since climate change was identified as a serious threat to the planet, Europe has been in the vanguard of the effort to mitigate it.

Over the past year energy subsidies have become a target for politicians on austerity drives. In June Indonesia increased petrol prices by 44% to cut its annual subsidy bill of $20 billion.

Since October sightseers on the hills above Edinburgh have gawped at a brand new landmark. Across the Firth of Forth, on a test site, stands the biggest wind turbine in Britain.

A fierce public debate over GM food exposes concerns about America. Of the many thousands of usually small protests that break out in China every year, few relate to national policy.

Genetically modified maize causes cancer: that was the gist of one of the most controversial studies in recent memory, published in September 2012 by Food and Chemical Toxicology.
