This is an unusually busy moment in the unhappy history of efforts to curb climate change. In two weeks at the end of June the world’s three biggest polluters unveiled carbon-reducing measures.

Forest fires bring record levels of air pollution; and the end is not in sight.

In the full glare of Washington’s summer sunshine, Barack Obama unveiled what he called “a co-ordinated assault on a changing climate” on June 25th.

A long-awaited bill ends uncertainty, but will hit mining companies’ profits

OSTERATH’S 12,000 citizens are angry. Their quiet backwater in the Ruhr, close to Düsseldorf, is the proposed site for the biggest converter station in Europe.

When the finalists at the French Open take to the clay court on June 8th and 9th, they may be witnessing the end of an era at the Roland-Garros stadium.

On a breezy day in October last year the governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback, took a tour of his state’s flourishing oil- and gas-exploration industry.

The world has an astonishing chance to take a billion people out of extreme poverty by 2030.

China’s need for a new urbanisation policy reaches a critical point.

BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN once sang about “going on the town now looking for easy money”. As easy money goes, it is hard to beat farm subsidies.
