Observing that climate change is altering the planet in ways that will have profound impacts on humankind, US President Barack Obama has urged Americans to protect environment for a healthy and sus

Phulbani, Odisha: A large number of tribal people have threatened to boycott polls for Kandhamal Lok Sabha and Phulbani Assembly seats accusing the government of being callous in providing basic fa

Global warming will reduce the world's crop production by up to two percent every decade and wreak $1.45 trillion of economic damage by the end of this century, according to a draft UN report, Japa

With the UN Climate Conference entering a crucial phase, top environment diplomats have warned that global warming represents a potentially irreversible threat and sought urgent international actio

India today expressed displeasure with “some” developed countries for abandoning the greenhouse gas emission targets set by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and asked the industrialised nations to ratify th

Hours after major NGOs walked out of the UN Climate Change conference, India on Thursday said it fully shared the sentiments of the civil society and asked the developed nations to act in combating