Populations of forests elephants, which play key roles in maintaining forest habitat, have declined 63 percent in Central Africa since 2001.

Speed breeding means that it is now possible to grow as many as 6 generations of wheat every year -- a threefold increase on the techniques currently used by breeders and researchers.

Flights all around the world could be encountering lots more turbulence in the future, according to the first ever global projections of in-flight bumpiness.

In recent years, there has been growing controversy surrounding the evolutionary effects of trophy hunting in big game animals worldwide.

As sub-Saharan African countries struggle to cope with the current burden of diabetes, new estimates suggest that costs associated with the disease could more than double and may reach up to US$59.

While global ocean health has remained relatively stable over the past five years, individual countries have seen changes, according to a study published July 5, 2017 in the open-access journal PLO

Every eight hours, a rhinoceros is slaughtered in South Africa.

The 90% of the biodiversity related to the amphibian populations in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest -one of the most threatened tropical forests- is not a protected area yet, according to an article

JRC scientists have proposed a new approach for identifying the impacts of climate change and extreme weather on the variability of global and regional wheat production.

Nearly 130 million hectares of forest -- an area almost equivalent in size to South Africa -- have been lost since 1990, according to a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
