China’s 14th Five-Year Plan, for the period 2021–25, presents a real opportunity for China to link its long-term climate goals with its short- to medium-term social and economic development plans.

Does unilateral climate change policy cause companies to shift the location of production, thereby creating carbon leakage? In this paper, analyse the effect of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) on the geographical distribution of carbon emissions by multinational companies.

Annual greenhouse gas emissions in Taiwan reached a record high in 2017. Although estimates indicate that annual emissions have fallen since then, stronger action is needed for Taiwan to reach its 2050 target of a 50 per cent reduction relative to 2005 levels.

Development corridors are focal points for national and international development investment in East Africa, and national governments are directing their limited public sector resources towards corridor development.

This paper examines the relationship between contemporaneous exposure to fine particulate matter and COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.

The fact that a carbon tax is an environmentally and economically efficient instrument for reducing emissions is often highlighted, but the equity story is also of importance: who bears the burden of the tax? This paper addresses the question of the distributional burden of a carbon tax.

Climate change litigation has been growing in importance over the past three decades as a way of either advancing or delaying effective action on climate change. This report reviews key developments around the world in climate litigation over the period May 2019 to May 2020, in the latest in annual series.

For weather and climate information to be used at the grassroots level, it needs to be effectively interpreted and communicated so that it is both useful and usable to decision-makers, farmers and local-level planners. However, to date this information has not always met these requirements.

In this paper the authors develop a model to evaluate first, the market developments in the European Union emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) over 2008–2017 ex-post and second, the performances of main features of the EU ETS reforms that took place in 2018, ex-ante.

In this paper the authors develop a model to evaluate first, the market developments in the European Union emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) over 2008–2017 ex-post and second, the performances of main features of the EU ETS reforms that took place in 2018, ex-ante.
