This GRIPP Case Profile assesses whether the proactive involvement of rural communities in the management of groundwater positively contributes towards sustainable resource use. The assessment uses the long-term

This paper assesses how the Huruluwewa tank (HWT) irrigation system in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka adapts to climate variability. The lessons learned in the HWT will be helpful for many water-scarce irrigation systems in the country, which bear high climate risks.

This report examines social equality aspects related to resource recovery through solid waste composting and wastewater irrigation.

This paper argues for more creativity and flexibility in agricultural research for development (AR4D) scaling and impact evaluation in complex contexts.

This report presents a synthesis of Bangladesh’s solar irrigation policies, highlights the current issues faced by the energy and groundwater sector in the context of solar irrigation, and describes how the SDC-SoLAR (Swiss Development Corporation-Solar Irrigation for Agricultural Resilience) project led by the International Water Management Ins

This report presents a synthesis of India's solar irrigation policies.

The Karamoja subregion of Uganda is in a state of flux. Rapid change to the livelihoods and economic integration of people living in the region is accompanied by prevailing uncertainties over future climate impacts, with implications for the future management and availability of water and grazing resources.

This research report presents the first comprehensive framework of business models in terms of developing, marketing and scaling Index-based flood insurance (IBFI).

Enhancing accountability has become an important objective of the governance reforms over the past two decades. This has resulted in the promotion of social accountability tools, which aim to enhance citizens’ voices, reduce corruption and improve service delivery in the development sector.

Agriculture is the largest single source of environmental degradation, responsible for over 30% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 70% of freshwater use and 80% of land conversion: it is the single largest driver of biodiversity loss (Foley et al. 2011, 2005; IPBES 2019; Willett et al. 2019).
