Sri Lanka has made encouraging progress in reducing poverty to below 7 percent of the population, but pockets of severe poverty remain and future prosperity will depend on addressing chronic revenue shortfalls and fostering a more competitive and inclusive economy, say new research findings announced by the World Bank Group.

Indigenous peoples made significant social progress, experienced a reduction in poverty levels in several countries and gained improved access to basic services during the boom of the first decade of the century, but they did not benefit to the same extent as the rest of Latin Americans, according to a new World Bank study.

The use of irrigation in the agricultural sector, when combined appropriately with other inputs, has been key to increasing the productivity of agricultural production around the world - a vital factor in helping governments to manage the growing demand for food caused by demographic pressures and changing dietary habits.

The use of irrigation in the agricultural sector, when combined appropriately with other inputs, has been key to increasing the productivity of agricultural production around the world - a vital factor in helping governments to manage the growing demand for food caused by demographic pressures and changing dietary habits.

Paralleling the increasing disparities in income and wealth worldwide since the 1980s, cities in developing countries have witnessed the emergence of a growing divergence of lifestyles, particularly within the middle classes, reinforced by the widening gap between the quality of public and private educational and health care institutions, spatia

Promoting faster growth and poverty alleviation through competition is particularly important for South Africa, which is facing weak economic growth and limited fiscal resources and has to look to avenues outside the fiscal space to stimulate faster sustainable growth and progress towards its ultimate goal of eliminating poverty, outlined in the

Countries where agriculture is a major economic activity have greater room for improving key regulations that govern the agribusiness sector says this new World Bank report. 

This report is about water, the forgotten child of the climate change negotiations. The analysis reported here suggests that changes to water resources due to climate change will be strikingly uneven and unfair across the globe. They will jeopardize growth prospects in the regions worst affected and in some of the poorest countries.

Appreciating India's Aadhaar digital ID, this World Bank report ssays that the initiative is estimated to be saving the government about $1 billion annually by curbing corruption as it underlined that digital technologies can promote inclusion, efficiency and innovation.

The steep decline in the world oil price in the last quarter of 2014 slashed fuel price subsidies. Several governments responded by announcing that they would remove subsidies for one or more fuels and move to market-based pricing with full cost recovery.
