Building resilience to increasingly intense climate change impacts requires effective, urgent adaptation action at the local level. While much progress has been made within the international and national arenas, efforts to successfully implement adaptation at the subnational level remains uneven.

Long-term planning for climate and development requires tailored governance and institutional arrangements. Most countries have some experience with climate-change planning over near- and medium-term horizons through efforts such as nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and low-emissions development strategies (LEDS).

This paper specifically focuses on transformative approaches to climate-change adaptation in livestock production, including transformative pathways, or sets of discrete actions and strategies that can be sequenced to create a general trajectory toward transformation. Climate change impacts on agricultural systems are intensifying.

For the past two years, at the invitation of the Argentine and Japanese G20 presidencies, UNDP and WRI have together advised the G20 Climate and Sustainability Working Group on the key role that long-term strategies and NDCs are playing to advance the G20 agenda and address climate change.

Access to jobs, services, and people is key to a city’s economic vitality and quality of life. Many cities are experiencing a decline in accessibility due to a confluence of rapid urbanization and motorization trends.

Electric buses, which have zero tailpipe emissions, hold the potential to provide outsized air quality and climate benefits. Faster adoption of cleaner buses is an important part of the bigger climate solution, helping put cities on track towards sustainability.

Electric buses could pioneer a new age of clean and efficient urban transport and put cities on track towards sustainability. However, electric bus adoption is not accelerating fast enough for the world to meet transport-related global climate objectives and help limit global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius.

Protecting forests from degradation, deforestation and fragmentation, and tree-based landscape restoration are globally recognised as cost-effective solutions for combatting climate change.

New WRI analysis indicates that Mexico can save more than 25,000 lives and $5 billion in public health costs over the next 12 years by aggressively pursuing policies and actions that reduce air pollution and the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

This paper highlights two case studies of adaptation being integrated into sectoral development programs and projects, in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Ideally, the findings from analyzing these case studies will accelerate and scale mainstreaming efforts in India.
