Gurgaon: The Central Ground Water Authority will submit a report on the quality of groundwater near the defunct Bandhwari municipal waste treatment plant before the National Green Tribunal on Tuesd

Gurgaon: Every year, stubble burning leads to an increase in respiratory diseases in the city in the month of April.

Proceedings not a tamasha or a joke, says Apex court

Gurgaon: The Haryana government has set an ambitious target of generating 1,600MW power through rooftop solar plants by 2021-22.

Touted as one the most developed states of the country, Haryana seems to have performed badly as far as key health indicators for the state shown in the National Family Health Survey -4 (NFHS-4) ar

Notwithstanding the action against illegal units engaged in dyeing, washing or electroplating steel sheets, hundreds of units are reportedly operating.

The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report placed before the state Assembly in its budget session has exposed serious short comings in the system of ensuring quality of potable water by the P

Gurgaon: As long as the 21st-century man will continue to tamper with natural buffers like the Aravali hills, hotter summers (and warmer winters) will become a way of life.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mushtakeem & Others Vs Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change & Others dated 05/04/2016 regarding mining in the river bed of Yamuna, Haryana.

Gurgaon: An RTI response from the district mining office has revealed that 14 FIRs against illegal mining have been lodged in the last 19 months in the city.
