The WorldRiskReport (WRR) 2023 examines the complex interrelationship between crises, marginalized groups, and the diverse structure of societies. Diversity plays a significant role in how disaster risk is distributed within a society.

This paper updates a 2022 ICCT study on the vehicle carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions impact of an accelerated global transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs).

To address the myriad challenges posed by global climate change, countries at all income levels have put in place a diverse set of policies over the past three decades.

This report compiles data for the first time on the far-reaching consequences of uncontrolled hypertension, including heart attacks, strokes and premature death, along with substantial economic losses for communities and countries.

Today the world faces unprecedented challenges in waste management while the state of the municipal waste management sector globally is a matter of concern.

The GRFC 2023 Mid-Year Update highlights that high levels of acute food insecurity persist in 2023 due to protracted food crises and new shocks, with improvements in some countries.

The Breakthrough Agenda Report 2023 is an annual collaboration between the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the United Nations Climate Change High-Level Champions, focused on supporting stronger international collaboration to drive faster reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions.

The five United Nations regional commissions have prepared selected country profiles on “SDG Progress and Transformative Pathways” to support discussions among member States, various United Nations entities, and other development partners during the SDG Summit on 18-19 September 2023.

Across developing countries, women play an important role both as producers of major food crops and in improving household nutrition. This research paper aims to assess the effect of improving women's empowerment on the nutritional status of children in rural Burkina Faso.

The 2023 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor, a flagship publication of AKADEMIYA2063 and the International Food Policy Research Institute, provides an overview of trade in agriculture in Africa, including analysis of short- and long-term trends and drivers behind Africa’s global trade, intra-African trade, and trade within Africa’s regional econom
