By the end of 2022, global renewable generation capacity amounted to 3372 Gigawatt (GW), growing the stock of renewable power by a record of 295 GW or by 9.6 per cent. An impressive 83 per cent of all power capacity added last year was produced by renewables.

This report advances usable knowledge on how climate change and conflict interact in the region. Its findings contribute to a growing body of research examining the links between climate change and conflict outcomes.

190 million children in 10 African countries are at the highest risk from a convergence of three water-related threats – inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); related diseases; and climate hazards – according to this new UNICEF analysis.

This book evaluates African healthcare systems from multiple perspectives.

In February 2023, Stock Market indicators from selected African markets, showed mixed trends on monthly and annual basis.

In 2022, the Emergency Event Database EM-DAT recorded 387 natural hazards and disasters worldwide, resulting in the loss of 30,704 lives and affecting 185 million individuals. Economic losses totaled around US$ 223.8 billion. Heat waves caused over 16,000 excess deaths in Europe, while droughts affected 88.9 million people in Africa.

Plastic waste negatively impacts ecosystems, public health, and local economies in Tanzania.

To enhance health co-benefits across urban policies which tackle air pollution and climate change, WHO, in cooperation with various international, national, and local partners, implemented the Urban Health Initiative (UHI) pilot project in Accra, Ghana.

The Kingdom of Eswatini has identified the importance of engaging Indigenous and local communities and incorporating Traditional Knowledge into its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process.

Essential workers who kept families, societies and economies going while the world was on COVID lockdown, need better pay and conditions urgently, if countries are to future-proof themselves from the next global crisis, UN labour experts said in this report.
