Windmills make a comeback across windswept wastes in several states, as this alternative form of energy returns to favour

N R PEDDAMIAH Punganur, Chittoo district If water stops flowing, a neerkatti ceases to exist. This 60-year-old neerkatti of Punganur is fighting hard for her existence. Her means of survival is

Cloud seeding is a safe but improbable method to enhance rains

As palliative for AIDS

Stiff US law ruffles Indian marine food sector

A seemingly harmless germ has been on a killing spree. This is what has been detected by the National Institute of Virology in respect of the mystery disease that has claimed more than 250 lives in Andhra Pradesh. The culprit, say researchers from the Pun

In a move that threatens to dislocate the lives of millions of Orissa s tribal people, the state government has decided to allow transfer of land in fifth schedule areas for mining and industrial operations. En route, it has interpreted the Supreme Court

AP farmers feel the crunch

Curbs on farmland transactions in Karnataka

