Local vs Exotic poultry ("Improved" poultry breeds do not always improve farmers

The objectives of this policy are: To enhance animal protein availability to fulfill the nutritional requirement; To ensure equitable, sustainable and balanced development of the sector; To provide an enabling environment for the growth & development of the livestock sector by providing quality services and inputs; To promote proper and efficient utilization of livestock, livestock draught power

Livestock is a very important component for profitable farming as most of the agricultural by-products can be used to feed them converting them into manure immediately. Other economical gains are in the form of wool, milk, egg, meat and skin. In India, very good draught animals like bullocks and he
buffaloes can be freely obtained for cultivation.

VADODARA: In a first of its kind, Gujarat

Scientific research on camel milk has established beyond doubt that it is a nutritional food and beneficial for human health, especially for patients suffering from tuberculosis, arthritis and diabetes.

Farmers in mixed crop-livestock systems produce about half of the world

Here's a simple idea you may have heard for improving food security: Eat less meat. The logic goes like this. People in the developed world eat a huge amount of animal protein. And consumption of meat, eggs, and milk is already growing globally as people in poorer nations get richer and shift their diets.

Mumbai: Rising prices of milk and dairy products are a potential pressure point for food inflation, Citigroup said in a recent note.

Government data on wholesale price inflation pegs the annual jump in milk and dairy at 13.4% in December from 6-7% in the previous year and the 7% increase in milk prices last week could aggravate the situation further, it added.


NEW DELHI: A 50-year-old man has been arrested on charges of dealing in rare sea shells banned under the Wildlife Protection Act. More than 20,000 shells, including conch shells of 12 different endangered and rare species, have allegedly been seized.
