Enable Block: 

In February, artist Avril Stormy Unger spent 10 hours each day for five days on Old Madras Road, sitting with wilted flowers and an anti-pollution mask, on an over-sized chair, next to an air quali

Transport planning in Bengaluru is characterised by institutional fragmentation, increasing private modes of transport, and questionable investment decisions in the transport sector. What are the possibilities of implementing a polycentric governance system in such a city? Answering this question requires exploring the characteristics of polycentric governance systems as part of the larger discourse in institutional economics and reflecting upon how far Bengaluru satisfies such characteristics and where changes may be required.


Last year, Karnataka announced a landmark policy on electric vehicles, becoming the first Indian state to do so. Now, the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) is in the process of procuring its first fleet of 40 electric buses.

The urban voter in Bengaluru was once voiceless, with no say or sway in the poll outcome—blame it on the vote bank’s negligible size and political apathy.

Worlds cleanest petrol and diesel are now being supplied in Delhi after state-owned oil firms advanced rollout of Euro-VI grade fuel by two years in a bid to combat alarming levels of air pollution

A wide range of people from all over Bangalore, representing a range of organisations and communities from within the city, peri-urban areas and villages affected by waste disposal, were present when Justice N.

Objective of the project is to create a database on water bodies in Bengaluru Metropolitan Area (Jurisdiction of BBMP and BDA) by identifying the water bodies through physical verification; assessing the water quality class, based on the water quality analysis; to prepare the water body database and to prepare the lake atlas with manual cartogra

All monitoring stations in Bengaluru continue to record higher than permissible limits of air pollution

BENGALURU: The number of vehicles registered in Bengaluru has climbed to 70.28 lakh -- 48.69 lakh two-wheelers and 13.58 lakh four-wheelers.

The bouts of rainfall that battered Houston, Mumbai and Calcutta last week, albeit in vastly different amounts, may earn tags of extreme rain events that weather scientists say are becoming more co
